There is Hope

When I was 8 years old. I had some unwelcoming things that happened to me. Things that always made me feel like I was the cause of bad things happening to me and my own kids. I felt unclean, unloved and unwanted for most of my life. But, through finally realizing after 3 failed marriages that I was more than a woman in search of love in the wrong places, I was/am a woman in need of Jesus to wash me clean. And He did. I am now 60 years old and I have learned to love myself and therefore, love my kids and grandkids with the purest of love. All because someone loved me enough to show me true love and acceptance. I am so thankful for sites like this that hopefully will help other young individuals find hope through Jesus and counseling/therpy. IT IS OK NOT TO BE OK but seek help.


Restoration through Behind A Smile